Making wine a greener enterprise
Visiting artist creates installation at Eco Culture Centre
UBC sponsors Canadian war literature world conference in Ottawa
Summer literary institute gives insider perspective on writing, editing
Budding industry: How legal marijuana trade affects Canada
UBC partnership with Mitacs brings business developer to Interior
Yellow Schoolhouse exhibition opens in Peachland
Woodshed Readings liven summer evenings at Eco Culture Centre
Workshop explores cultivating and enriching your senses
Vernon poet Sandra Lynn Lynxleg leads readings at Woodhaven July 2
UBC, University of Barcelona cooperate in education and research
UBC signs mobility agreement with European and North American partners
UBC fine arts alumni host Body of the Land workshop
UBC signs MOU with Bordeaux’s KEDGE Business School
UBC signs MOU with Basque Institute of Competitiveness – Orkestra
Graduate students combine fun and games with serious water discussion