Cultural adaptations in juvenile justice may not be working
New moms moving toward the bottle
UBC researcher says management of pine beetle not working
Daily reminders to increase calcium intake are effective
Pregnant women at risk of getting the flu are not getting vaccinated
UBC’s Visual Arts program hosts Portfolio Day for prospective students
Wastewater research may help protect aquatic life
Sleep apnea immediately compromises blood pressure
Marijuana could help treat drug addiction, mental health
UBC prof. creates crowdsourcing map to track changes in Canada’s media
UBC nursing students raise funds for healthcare in Ghana and Zambia
UBC research aims to increase health of men in blue-collar jobs
UBC researchers create new method to classify dangerous sex offenders
Psychopathy increases risk of violence in romantic relationships
People trying to quit smoking don’t always focus on tobacco cessation
UBC researcher worries global warming may harm predator and prey connections