Tech could help BC farmers reach customers, mitigate climate change impacts
Arctic river channels changing due to climate change, scientists discover
Parisa Najmi aims to preserve Earth’s health and wellbeing
Researchers test smart surfaces to improve wireless communication and localization
Haile Woldesellasse wants to give back in many ways
Ilija Hristovski is reaching for the stars
Finding new life for plastic waste
UBCO events will explore issues of social change
Chadia Uwamahoro is helping Rwanda rebuild
Parity needed for mental and physical health funding, treatment
UBCO engineers examine drinking water management strategies
Climate change is chasing away the salmon, so she’s chasing climate change
Brain injury diagnosis may hurt women’s chances in parenting disputes
Ultrasonic sensors can safeguard residential gas lines
Concrete toboggan race returns to Kelowna, Big White
Being sleep deprived can make tedious tasks seem tougher