Discover rising talent at UBCO’s Student Okanagan Film Festival
Retaliatory trade tariffs topic of UBCO’s 12th annual Roger Watts Debate
UBCO hosts talk on anti-apartheid hero Fatima Meer
Researchers find caribou migration patterns are shrinking
Celebrated Indigenous art collection coming to UBC Okanagan
Breaking down stereotypes to support women in engineering
UBCO celebrates Embrace Aging Month
Preventing and Responding to Sexual Misconduct mandatory training
UBCO study looks at how high school students recognize and perform acts of kindness
UBCO hosts annual gala evening of art and entertainment
Feeling lonely? Campus therapy dogs may be the fix, study says
Students use virtual reality to transform stroke recovery
Case management focus of new nursing micro-credential
Objects in Motion brings animated short films to Kelowna
Global nursing pathways lead Canadian students to Zambia
Join Principal Lesley Cormack for a budget update on Jan. 24