Students raise money for cancer research with Cut for a Cure
School of Social Work fundraising to schools improvements for exploited girls in Nepal
UBC’s Okanagan campus students brave winter chill to help homeless
Reminder: Equity Enhancement Fund applications due March 15
Philip Ainslie named UBC’s Okanagan campus Researcher of the Year
Rule Out Racism week: March 19 to 23
Six Months in Sudan author to speak on March 27
Benefits from academic research touch lives everywhere
Facilities Management wants to hear from you
Okanagan campus sends delegation to World Model UN conference
Awards make reality of living a dream at UBC
Great sled performance from UBC’s Okanagan campus engineers
Heat finish first season of league play
Research Rocks at UBC’s Okanagan campus Mar. 5 to 9
Ross Fitzpatrick and Deepa Mehta to receive UBC honorary degrees
Study: majority of graduates leave area, but plan to return