UBCO community converts parking citations into food donations
Dr. Kedrick James appointed Interim Director, Okanagan School of Education
UBCO’s next distinguished speakers include a Nobel Prize winner and an angel investor
The student doctors will see you now
Okanagan Short Story Contest shortlist announced
Flag Lowering: Meerali Tailor
Enriching family literacy in the Okanagan one kit at a time
Flag Lowering: Dr. Philip Balcaen
Flag lowering: The Right Honorable Martin Brian Mulroney, P.C., C.C., G.O.Q.
UBCO presents Indigenous Business Speaker Series
Inclusion and support through global events
How a Mayan language exchange is empowering Indigenous students
UBCO hosts annual gala evening of art and entertainment
Invitation: Heads Up Forum
New process to hire students and other changes
UBC Okanagan’s Bachelor of Education is decolonizing the classroom